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is not a matter of Life or Death.... Welcome
to the Home pages of the Tattooists Hall of Fame. The Site is dedicated
to memorializing the Tattooists who have contributed to this
unique lifestyle and "I,
Leonard Stoney St. Clair, am in the business of rendering a service to
this community, for the small group of people
who choose to have their bodies decorated in some way or another. I choose to pursue my profession with intelligence and skill, wishing not to offend anyone, but instead with my love of mankind, do what good I can before a I die. - Leonard L. St. Clair, tattooist of the old school since 1928."
The Tattooists
Hall of Fame currently has 132 members and will continue to add new
recipients every two years or as needed to continue growing this
dedication and documentation of the artisans and technicians of the
warm art of tattooing. Prospective members are considered every 2 years
or as scheduling allows.